I think two paragraphs should be the max! I have seen people who write novels and life stories. Lastly, don’t get too carried away with your about me section. Anything that hooks a person in and makes them want to read more. This can be a corny joke or some kind of major accomplishment that you have made. I also think you should do something in the about me that catches a person’s attention. So you should add a few things that you are into or that describe you like sports, the gym, being a nerd etc. Remember, Twitch is about making connections and building a community. It should be a panel about you and anything you think your viewers should know. Your about me panel is pretty straight forward. What should be in your About Me panel on Twitch? Now let me go into greater detail about what should be in these “must have” Twitch panels that I listed above. These are just additional panel ideas, but I wouldn’t consider these “must have” panels like I do the panels that I mentioned above. Other panels that you may consider adding are a Stream Setup panel, a Website panel (if you have a website like I do) and maybe a panel for an affiliate program that you are a part of.

If you want to take a look at my panels and how I have mine setup then go to my Twitch channel here.

For this reason, your Twitch panels should include an About Me panel, a Schedule panel, a Subscribe panel, a Donation panel, a Rules panel, a Social Media Panel (or one panel for each social media accounts), a Discord panel and lastly a Youtube panel. Your Twitch panels should give those who visit your channel a sense of what you and your channel are all about.

What Should You Have in Your Panels on Twitch? For this reason, it’s important to have panels that let people know what you and your channel is all about. When people go to your channel on Twitch, one of the first things that they will see is your Twitch panels.